Types of Robots based on the Working

Now we will see, what robots are used for nowadays.
Hardworking Robots
Traditionally robots have been used to replace human workers in areas of difficult labor, which is structures enough for automation, like assembly line work in the automobile industry or harvesting machines in the agricultural sector. Some existing examples apart from the assembly robot are:
• Melon harvester robot.
• Ore transport robot for mines.
• A robot that removes paint from larger ships.
• A robot that generates high precision sewer maps.
if employed in a suitable environment robots can work faster, cheaper and more precise than humans.
Although most autonomous transport robots still need environmental to find their way they are already widely in use. But building a robot which can navigate using natural landmarks is probably no more science fiction. Examples of currently available transporters are:
• Container transporters used to load and unload cargo ships.
• Medication and food transport systems in hospitals.
• Autonomous helicopters, to deliver goods to remote areas.
Insensible Steel Giants
As robots can be easily shielded against hazardous environments and are somewhat replaceable, they are used in dangerous, toxic or nuclear environments. Some places robots have helped cleaning up a mess:
• In Chernobyl robots have helped to clean up nuclear waste.
• Robots have entered dangerous areas in the remains of the WTC.
• Robots are used to clean ammunition and mines all around the world.

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